6. cPSORTdb Fields
The following table lists the general cPSORTdb fields which identify the protein and its source genome/organism. Default fields displayed in results pages are in bold. Numerical fields are followed by a #.
Field name | Description |
RefSeq Accession ID | RefSeq accession identifier of the protein |
Protein name | The name of the protein |
Gene name | The name of the gene |
Chromosome Acc ID | NCBI chromosome accession identifier associated with the protein (NC_00XXXX) |
Taxonomy ID # | NCBI taxonomy identifier of the source organism |
Organism | Genus and species of the source organism |
Phylum | Phylum of the source organism |
Class | Class of the source organism |
Gram stain | Gram classification of the source organism |
Amino acid sequence | Amino acid sequence of the protein |
Sequence length # | Number of amino acids in the protein sequence |
*: If the protein in cPSORTdb is identical at the sequence level and the species level to a protein in ePSORTdb, a link to the ePSORTdb record will appear here.
#: numerical field
The following table lists the cPSORTdb fields which contain information regarding computationally predicted SCLs. Default fields displayed in results pages are in bold.
Field name | Description |
PSORTb version | Version of PSORTb used to generate prediction |
SCL-BLAST localization | Predicted localization site (all possible SCL*) |
SCL-BLAST details | Protein GI of ePSORTdb dataset |
Motif localization | Predicted localization site (all possible SCL*) |
Motif details | Motif accession number from PROSITE (list Gram neg. & pos.) |
OMPmotif localization (N) | Predicted localization site (either outer membrane or unknown) |
OMPmotif details (N) | OMPmotif accession number (list) |
ModHMM localization (#) | Predicted localization site (either cytoplasmic membrane or unknown) |
ModHMM helices count | Number of predicted transmembrane alpha helices |
Signal localization | Predicted localization site (Non-cytoplasmic or unknown) |
Signal details | Presence or absence of a predicted signal peptide |
Profile localization | Predicted localization site (all possible SCL*) |
Profile details | Profile accession number from PROSITE (list Gram neg. & pos.) |
SCL-BLASTe localization | Predicted localization site (all possible SCL*) |
SCL-BLASTe details | Protein GI of ePSORTdb dataset |
CytoSVM localization | Predicted localization site (either cytoplasmic or unknown) |
CMSVM localization | Predicted localization site (either cytoplasmic membrane or unknown) |
PPSVM localization (N) | Predicted localization site (either periplasmic or unknown) |
CWSVM localization (P) | Predicted localization site (either cell wall or unknown) |
OMSVM localization (N) | Predicted localization site (either outer membrane or unknown) |
ECSVM localization (§) | Predicted localization site (either extracellular or unknown) |
Cytoplasmic score (#) | Probability of cytoplasmic localization returned by PSORTb |
Cytoplasmic membrane score (#) | Probability of cytoplasmic membrane localization returned by PSORTb |
Periplasmic score (#,N) | Probability of periplasmic localization returned by PSORTb |
Cell wall score (#,P) | Probability of cell wall localization returned by PSORTb |
Outer membrane score (#,N) | Probability of outer membrane localization returned by PSORTb |
Extracellular score (#) | Probability of extracellular localization returned by PSORTb |
Predicted Localization ** | Localization site returned by PSORTb |
Secondary Localization *** | Localization site returned by PSORTb |
GO Accession ID | Gene Ontology (GO) accession identifier |
GO Accession Definition | Gene Ontology (GO) accession definition |
Predicted Localization Score (#) | Probability of PSORTb predicted localization |
*: for Gram-negative; : cytoplasmic, cytoplasmic membrane, periplasmic, outer membrane, extracellular and for Gram-positive cytoplasmic, cytoplasmic membrane, cell wall, extracellular
**: Localization site returns by PSORTb specific to Archaea, Gram-negative, Gram-positive, Advanced: Gram-negative without outer membrane, or Advanced: Gram-positive with outer membrane.
***: Main secondary localizations: flagellar, fimbrial, host-associated, type III secretion apparatus (T3SS), spore, with others to be added later on
N: available only for Gram-negative and Advanced: Gram-positive with an outer membrane
P: available only for Gram-positive
#: numerical field
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